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Christ the Hope of the Nations || Crosslinks Day Conference

Saturday 21 March 9.30 - 15.15
St John’s Parish Centre, Moira
Speaker: Tim Chester

What is the cross worth? What reward does it merit? Isaiah’s answer is: the nations. God honours Jesus by gathering people from every nation. We’ll explore Isaiah big vision for global mission. We’ll look at how we can be part of honouring Christ. We’ll ask ourselves, ‘What is the cross worth to me?’

Tim is a church pastor in North Yorkshire and a faculty member of Crosslands Training. He is the author of over 40 books including Enjoying God and Mission Matters. 


9:30       Doors Open
10:00     Session 1: Christ and the Nations (Isaiah 49)
11:15       Break
11:45      Session 2: Justice and the Nations (Isaiah 58)
13:00     Lunch
14:00     Session 3: Prayer and the Nations (Isaiah 63:7 – 64:12)
15:00     Close